جديد الموقع
حزب الله يهنئ الشعب الفلسطيني على كسر قيود الاحتلال عن المسجد الأقصى المبارك
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مختارات :: Harvard Students Say America A Greater Threat To World Peace Than ISIS




When asked about who is the bigger threat to world peace, ISIS or the US? Harvard students “overwhelmingly” expressed their belief that America and its interventionist foreign policy is a greater threat than the group of Muslim extremists that have gained global disrespect in recent months through a series of videos of hostages being executed, as they said.

In a survey conducted by Campus Reform, a self-styled 'campus watchdog' for conservative students, attendees of the prestigious Cambridge university criticized “American imperialism and protection of oil interests in the Middle East,” while blaming the US for the destabilization of the region.

The survey’s interviews were carried out at the Ivy League school’s campus by Caleb Bonham, editor of Campus Reform and a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel.

Harvard is one of the world's most prestigious universities, enjoying an almost unparalleled reputation in America.

It is the oldest academic institute in the United States, dating from 1636, and covers an impressive 210-acre main campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Watch the students’ responses in the video below. Do you agree with what they are saying? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

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